原 README.md 介绍
Dress - 面向可爱的蓝孩子 (/ω\) 的 git 学习实践项目 on GitHub
Dress - A Study and Practice project of git.
If you are feeling puzzled and weird about the project, please read [链接登录后可见]
项目很简单且并不要求你贡献代码,没有编程技能都可以参加。你可以从这里学习从克隆项目,创建分支,提交和同步修改,到合并分支请求的整套流程,一次即可熟悉 Git/GitHub 的使用。
This simple repository requires no contribution of code, so that you can participate in it without having any coding skills. This project helps you to learn the whole process of cloning a repository, creating a branch, pushing and pulling commits, and making a pull request, thus you can have a good knowledge of Git/GitHub's usage.
Of course, you need to prepare a photo of you dressed in women's clothing first.
File and Folder Naming Rules and Filetype Standards
- 不接受盗图和未授权转载他人图片
- Stolen pictures and unauthorized photos of other people are not accepted.
- 请尽量使用有意义的文件夹名字
- Please attempt to use meaningful folder names.
- 可使用你的 GitHub ID 或者其他社交平台上非中文的 ID 来命名文件夹
- Use your GitHub ID or roman character social media IDs as folder names.
- 尽量不要在文件夹名字中出现空格
- Please try to avoid spaces in folder names.
- 影响排序的文件夹命名 (例如 代码登录后可见, 代码登录后可见, 代码登录后可见) 会被 Close Pull Request
- Pull requests with folder names that attempt to influence ordering (ex: 代码登录后可见, 代码登录后可见, 代码登录后可见)will be closed.
- 如果需要在你的文件夹内创建描述文件,请尽量使用 [链接登录后可见] 语法来编写
- If you need to add a descriptive file in your folder, please compose it using [链接登录后可见].
- 图片请尽量压缩大小, 并 [链接登录后可见], 图片质量过低的 Pull Request 会被 Close
- Please attempt to compress your images and [链接登录后可见], pull requests with excessively large image files will be closed.
Online Demo
本项目采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可。
This repository is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Please read [链接登录后可见] carefully.
In short: We're encouraging more people to learn and understand the ideology of GitHub without coding.
There are quasi-programmers and non-programmers who need to participate in collaborative projects. So it's exactly suitable to practice in this project because no coding skills are required here.
Will this project take up a lot of GitHub resources?
Contributors are required to compress their photos before making pull requests. Photos which are larger than 1MB per file or don't meet our standard will be rejected. It's also considered to be a training course of GitHub workflow for them.
In the future, we might clean orphaned objects regularly to keep the availability of the repo.
Is this project really helpful?
Yes, we think.
This project has already gained attention about GitHub and taught lots of people
"the ideology and the workflow of GitHub" and "how to use GitHub simply" in an easy-to-understand way.
This project has also developed users' team cooperation ability: Join the discussion and solve problems such as
forking, merging branches, controlling the size of repos, maintaining repos, and so on.
How to join us?
Please refer to [链接登录后可见].